This section contains a topic for every data upload tab in the provided Excel File (XLSX or XLS). This file is called Excel2SageImport.xlsx by default and is located in the Sage Install Folder which is specified on the Configuration tab.
NB: You can update the value of the Excel file location and save it to configuration by dragging an XLS/XLSX file anywhere onto the E2S screen when it's open (you may need administrator rights for this to work). There is also a small select button next to the field on the Configuration tab to select an Excel file.
Usually the Tab in the Excel file corresponds directly to a button for running the load on the Single Company main tab in E2S.
Throughout the Excel fields coloured RED in the header row are required fields (must contain data) and those coloured YELLOW are optional (the header must exist but data in the rows thereafter is optional).
Please note that you can re-order the fields on the Excel tabs into any order that suits your needs, or even hide optional ones you do not use. They must, however, still exist to be queried by the application.
In older versions of E2S , there are two extra tabs. The first is Lists which can be used to set-up lists which can populate drop-down selections (beginning with the word 'Find') in other tabs (e.g., Account Refs of Customers for use on order and invoice tabs). The second is a sample data tab. If you still require this functionality, you will need to manually add newly added fields to the tabs as this is no longer updated for new releases.
Fields beginning with 'Find' are there only to populate the field next to them (Find Account will populate the AccountRef field to the immediate right, for example). The drop-downs are populated from data lists on the Lists tab. This is for convenience only, and no longer supplied in the default Excel file.
You will find a copy of the the following files in C:\Excel2SageConnector\Backups